Is monogamy natural for humans?
Apparently we’re in the middle of “divorce season” – more divorces are filed in January and February than in any of the other months of the year. It appears that during the holiday season many couples evaluate their relationship and make the decision never to spend another (miserable) holiday together again. According to Statistics SA in 2016, 139 512 civil marriages were registered in South Africa, 3 978 customary marriages and 1 331 civil unions . 25 326 divorces were granted. There were more female than male plaintiffs, although males generally divorced at a later age than females. The median age for divorce was 44 years for males and 40 years for females. In 55% of the divorce cases, the children affected were under 18 years of age. With all these marriages breaking up, one has to ask the question: Is monogamy natural for humans? Here are some interesting facts to consider: In the animal kingdom, monogamy is ...