Getting to know you

Can anyone remember that iconic song from "The King and I" - "Getting to know you"? It goes: Getting to know you, getting to know all about you, getting to know you, getting to like what I see......
I think sometimes in this world of technology we live in, we forego courting and somehow, WHAM get straight into the nitty gritties of each other. It's so easy to do when you're 'hiding' behind a laptop, computer or cell phone screen. There's a feeling of distance between you and the person and a disconnection that gives you the license to say whatever comes into your head. You can strike up an intimacy far too soon.
I don't think that intimacy is the real deal. I suspect it is artificial - a bit of a smoke screen, if you will. I really believe it takes time to get to know someone and fall in love (in the true sense of the word) - a lot of time. That's why relationships often break down when you stop spending time with each other.
Don't you ever wish for the days when time seemed to pass more slowly and yet have more magic, when we romanced each other? I must confess, although I enjoy the internet - especially the "world is your oyster" concept, and I can see the positives of being able to contact anyone, any time, I'm not sure it is helping our relationships. For all the communication, I don't think a lot is actually shared.
Sigh - sadly, we can't go back to the 'old days' but I think it's important to think about whether or not we humans really are evolving and moving forward or whether we're regressing - becoming ever more reliant on our technology to help us through, without actually using our brains to think!!! I miss the days when your heart skipped a beat when the phone rang, wondering if it would be him... Smiling because you could hear the smile in his voice... Now it's all text messages and e-mails.
By the time you meet the person, you know a lot about each other, and yet... do you really? The anonymity factor allows you to be what you want to be, and even if you're honest, it's human nature to portray the best picture of yourself. You tend NOT to write or text a potential date when you're feeling miserable, upset or angry... They only see the happy you - the paper cut-out!
It takes time to get to know the real person, time and effort.


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