Disgraced celebrities
Is it just me or are you also feeling gatvol of all these celebrities who may be a huge success in their field of endeavour, but are terrible role models?! I actually feel really mad at Lance Armstrong - I mean I bought his books and loved them and like the rest of the world, was awed and amazed by his seven Tour de France titles. Now he, like so many others, is being dragged through the mud, in his case NOT kicking and squealing, but keeping totally mum and refusing to admit any culpabililty for dope taking and running a doping programme... What annoys me the most is that in the workshops I do with kids, I've used him an example of what you can accomplish when you put your mind and body to it... Grrrrrrr. Just think about it. We've had Mel Gibson, with all his obnoxious drunken behaviour; Bill Clinton and the Monica scandal, Lindsay Lohan and her drugs and alcohol problems, Britney Spears going off the rails, Amy Winehouse with her heavy drug addiction, Winona Ryder and he...